Sunday, May 11, 2014

What is Love? It's the root of the word 'mother'

Years ago I was signing a birthday card for a woman in my life. As I contemplated how to personalize the card I thought of this woman's role as a mother and then in the card I simply wrote:

"You put the 'other' in mother! Happy Birthday!"

While many will agree that not a lot of wisdom or profoundness comes out of my head, what I wrote in that birthday card that day would influence the rest of my life. 

With rare exception, mothers devote their lives to others. the attached link to a video is a good example of what mothers do:  If we were to take a few moments to consider the amount of time a mother spends helping, nurturing, caring for, cleaning after, shaping, devoting, teaching, consoling, calming, encouraging, reassuring, cheering for, admonishing, praying-hoping-desiring for, loving, coaching, crying with, celebrating, etc., etc., etc., we would not hesitate in being awe inspired at the depth of sacrifice and love a mother gives. 

Truly, the root of the word mother is other.

Happy Mother's Day. Thank God for sending mothers to the world.

What is Love? It is the root of the word 'mother.'


  1. Jerrod, I look forward to reading your blog each week, and thank you for your wisdom, love and devotion to Megan and all mothers.

  2. Thank Leona. I am just trying to add value to the Internet. Thanks for reading and good to hear from you!
