Sunday, May 4, 2014

What is Love? It's accepting a globe for a gift

In case any of you have forgotten, are not prepared, or just need a reminder a week out, next Sunday is Mother's day. As I have been contemplating the mothers in our lives, I can't help but think of the great example of my wife. She has been instrumental in so many ways in the lives of our children and in my life as well.

Let me share with you one example of her love, devotion, and quite frankly, her patience.

Years ago, Megan and I spent our first Christmas together. We had been dating for several months and Christmas rolled around with little warning. I wasn't prepared for the celebration and festivities. I was downright insensitive when it came to finding a loving and affection gift for my fiancee.

As I frantically looked through the isles at a local department store, at the end of one isle I saw it! The perfect gift. It would be years later before I came to the realization that some people might not care for the things that tickle my fancy. A globe, I thought, was a universally acceptable, and useful gift for any person. What's more, it lit up when you touched it and offered three different levels of light. It was a 3-level-light globe touch lamp and it was perfect!

Christmas came and in the midst of the present unwrapping frenzy, my future bride-to-be opened my gift. It may have been the biggest test of our young relationship. My fiancee looked at the globe, looked at me, looked back at the globe and said "thank you."

I took it out of the box, poured over it, and even mused at the fact that you could see where we lived better when you plugged it in and touched the lamp.

Every marriage develops inside jokes. These jokes often originate from funny, challenging, and often awkward moments in a marriage. We have been married for 12+ years. Whenever we get something we may not like we ask the other "was this a globe gift?"

We still have the globe... it's on my night stand on my side of the bed. (Sigh) Thank you for your patience Megan.

What is Love? It's accepting a globe for a gift.

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