Sunday, August 31, 2014

What is Love? It's giving root beer floats to half of your kids

Weeks ago two of our boys got in trouble. (We'll let them remain nameless for this blog post.) As punishment for their crimes we said they could not have dessert after dinner.

As it happened, a family in the neighborhood invited us over for root beer floats that evening. We readily agreed and made our way over to their house shortly after dinner. Not a word was spoken between Megan and I as to whether or not our boys would get to have a root beer float, but both of us knew we would have to face that challenge soon.
We had a great time at the neighbor's and the time came for root beer floats. The family started to dish them up and our two troublemakers looked up at us with forlorn faces.

The family asked how many to make and we were at a crossroads:

1. Let the boys have a root beer float to avoid awkwardness, airing our dirty laundry, and the sadness that accompanies leaving a child out of the fun.

2. Stick to our principles and make sure our children understand that there are consequences for poor choices in spite of the heartache we would undoubtedly feel from withholding the treat when everyone else gets one.

"These two won't be getting a root beer float tonight" we said.

It was hard, it was sad, but it was the right thing to do. So much of this generation is "entitled" to whatever they want. Our kids need to know that choices have consequences. If parents won't teach kids responsibility and accountability then the court system certainly will.

What is Love? It's giving root beer floats to half of your kids.

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